"Things do not change; we change." Henry David Thoreau
I'll get to the taboo topic in a bit, but first let me tell you a little bit about the last few days in this life that is mine. Friday was a day off running...so I went to the gym and did my strength training and abs. I had to miss yoga because I had a doctor's apt. My lungs are doing well these days...I'm pleased with that! This is the longest since I got quite sick that I have been off prednisone for so long :) Yay!
On prednisone
Off prednisone
Friday was my little sister Iz's b-day and her daughter, my god-daughter, Lulu's b-day, was a few weeks ago. So my sisters came over for a celebratory dinner and I made sugar pie...Iz's favorite dessert!
The sisters...
Then Saturday, uber hubby and I ran our 3K steady run and it went superbly. I actually went too fast according to my training schedule...haha!
Then Saturday evening my dear friend
Miglena and her husband came over for dinner and we had a blast!
We took a put-the-timer-on-and-run photo :)
Today, Sunday, uber hubby and I ran 7K and, once again, I went too fast! I was supposed to take a minimum of 56 minutes to run 7K and I took 50:30. I totally realize that these shorter distances are fooling me and that I need to figure out how to keep a steadyish pace for longer distances. Still, I LOVED my run today!
NOW, about this taboo topic I teased you with at the beginning. I have been reading enough blogs to cause indigestion these days and no one, I repeat, NO ONE, talks about walking during their runs.
We have the Galloway method:
Do the first one [marathon] to finish, running/walking at a comfortable training pace. From what I've read, depending on your pace, it can go as low as 2-3 minutes of running for 1 minute of walking.
We have the Running Room Stanton method:
Walking breaks work! Try them and you will become a 10 and 1 believer!
France has the Cyrano method:
The running can be longer (up to 24 minutes) with a 45 second to 1 minute walk break.
We have Hal Higdon's method:
If even running 3 miles seems a strain for you, don't hesitate to mix in a walking break.
Although his method seems less specific about walk breaks.
Okay! So, here's what I'm wondering...I am doing the Running Room "run 10 minutes/ walk 1 minute" method for all long runs, which leads me to assume that my race day long run is expected to be completed using the same ratio.
Am I the only one who plans on completing my race this way? The 10:1 method seems so sensible to me. So, all you "older" and "younger" runners out there, do some of you run/walk on your long runs?
Also, what do you think of people who actually plan to walk for one minute, starting only 10 minutes into the race? PLEASE, do not be afraid to offend me...I am old enough to not change my mind even if every single one of you tells me that you've never used one of these wimpy methods and that you think that actually planning to walk during a run means that "someone didn't really run a half-marathon or a marathon" :)
So please, seriously...I just want the truth about what people think!
Hope you're enjoying the super bowl!