Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wordless Wednesday...(I like this idea...can I steal it?)

"To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition" Samuel Johnson

Yoga tonight...

A very good friend of mine is a writer and just started a running blog towards her first check it out: Running from...


Casey said...

Enjoy your yoga!

Teamarcia said...


Miglena said...

nice picture :)

Jamoosh said...

Yoga - another conspiracy to make me look like a dork!

RunKathyRun said...

I LOVE yoga; Wednesday is my Yoga day as well.

Alicia said...

Wordless Wednesday is a great idea! I may steal this, too. Enjoy your yoga!

Anne said...

Welcome to the WW Club!

Tara said...

Hi Julie, I found you from "Julie's Running Blog". I see that you are training for a half marathon. I can't wait to read about your training experiences!

I also read in your profile that you developed asthma at 44. I have just recently within the last few years been diagnosed with asthma myself and it has made my running that much tougher! Can't wait to follow you!

Ulyana said...

Hi! I saw your comment on Tara's blog about asthma and decided to visit. I've got exercise induced asthma - it's not severe, and it comes and goes (there are some specific triggers), but I'm so glad I learned what that suffocating feeling was!

Also, I'm big on yoga. I try to practice different kinds. Right now - it's hot yoga.

Anyway, I look forward to following you.

kilax said...

You look so comfortable!