Thursday, January 28, 2010

Odds and ends...

"So many worlds, so much to do,
So little done, such things to be"
Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Today was a fun run, I met up with my very close friend Miglena and because of her healing achilles tendon, we took it very easy and just chatted as we ran. We ran 5K at a 13:20 pace, plus some walking before and after for a total of 6.5K. There were thick snowflakes falling and the weather was really nice. This is the first time that we run together as Miglena only started running again about a month ago (and she injured her tendon almost right away). So we were quite excited!

There were a few hills on this run and after we completed the first one, I was pointing out that it was so nice to be able to talk and run at the same time. Miglena reminded me that last year at about this time, we had gone for a walk (not even a power walk, just a normal walk), and after going up that same hill I had to stop to catch my breath. That was a time when my asthma was really bad, and I hadn't started running yet. Miglena remembered that I was extremely pissed off about having to stop...I used to get so angry with this illness. Well, I didn't have to stop today, on the contrary, I gabbed all the way up that hill and beyond :)

Little anecdote that happened on my way home. I'm at Costco and I'm next in line at the cash. There's a nice looking couple in front of me, probably about my age...the woman points out to her husband the popcorn in my basket (sort of, look, they do have popcorn)...
Man: Yeah, but that's the microwave kind, I don't want to die young.
Me: smile
Man (to me): I don't ever boil water in the microwave or cook anything in it.
Me: smile
Man: I read all the scientific research about this and what it does is it breaks down the molecules and makes the food indigestible for your stomach.
Me: smile
Man then moves ahead as I finish putting my things on the counter. I then move up and am again next to him.
Man (smiles kindly at me - seems to realize he may have been sounding a BIT preachy, then adds): I just think it's best to throw those microwaves out the window.
Me: Well, I choose my...
Man: battles
Me: yeah
Man: smiles
What I actually wanted to say was, I choose my poison...the thing is I'm sure there's some truth to what he said, and I do try and do the healthy thing, but there are just so many things to consider that...
Let me just say here that this man actually seemed really nice.
That's it for today!

p.s. I really like this giveaway - My Yoga bag ;)


Robin said...

P.S. - What a difference a year makes..Wishing you continued good health this year!

Robin said...

You guys look so happy and the weather looks amazing to this Orlando gal. The Costco story is funny. It's true. We pick our battles. Plastic water bottles. Microwaves. There is always something to consider. You took the high road and he was a nice man. Good for you and good for him for looking out for you. (wink wink) :-)

Hugs from Orlando!!

MomRunningFromCancer said...

It sounds like you have made great progress in a year. AND 72 days and still counting is wonderful.

The two of you look great and it is fun to be able to see the snow flakes.

Miglena said...

nice picture, Dr. Anne :)

Beth said...

That is great that you were able to compare how you felt a year ago with now. That is fantastic! It's a credit to you and all of your hard work. Nice that you were able to share the moment with a friend. I say go ahead and nuke that popcorn!! :)

Julie said...

Hi Anne,
I love the picture! I wish that I had a good friend to run with:) I just got done visiting her blog for the first time tonight:) I loved your conversation with the man!! You are funny and keep me smiling!

Meg said...

Neat story about your conversation at Cost Co. It is amazing how quickly our world and cultural views on nutrition and what's good for our bodies, is changing and we all have our own beliefs. Nice job staying friendly and respectful...that's just who you are! Fun times with your friend, I bet you really appreciate being able to chat and run. That's something I just take for granted.

Jocelyn said...

Great job on your snowy run. i always love going out and working out in the snow!
That's funny what the guy said in costco. People have3 weird thought. I couldn't give up my microwavable things!

Lily on the Road said...

Great Costco story!

Do you have email Anne? Email me at laurel{dot}davidge{at}gmail{dot}com...

Yes, Ottawa is an amazing venue, here is the website

Lily on the Road said...

*Pace Bunnies*

Pace Bunnies, provided by Running Room, will be available for the Ottawa 10K.

The bunnies will wear pink ears and carry a sign with their pace time. At the race start, line up near your pace bunny. Pace times will be:

Ottawa Half Marathon: 1:30, 1:35, 1:40, 1:45, 1:50, 2:00, 2:15, and 3:30

Ottawa Marathon: 3:10, 3:15, 3:20, 3:30, 3:40, 3:45, 3:45, 3:50, 4:00, 4:15, 4:30, 4:45, 5:00, and 5:30

Amy said...

Nice encounter at Costco - he was trying to be helpful...lucky for him you were zen enough to take it the right way!

Anne said...

It's nice that the man sensed he might have gone a bit overboard on his rant. I've heard all the same claims and wonder myself. Then again, just drinking water from the tap anywhere is now cause for concern. I guess that's why humans are so hardy.

And how wonderful to share a run with a friend who's observant enough to note your progress.

Jamoosh said...

Men are dorks... Trust me, I know. Because I am one (man and dork).


wow ... what a difference a year makes! Congrats!

Marlene said...

What a great sign of your accomplishment and improvement over the last year! That's wonderful.

Had to chuckle at your story from Costco...

Ulyana said...

Awesome, I can totally relate. It's an amazing feeling - victory over a hill that used to make you walk!

Alicia said...

Love that your friend even notices a difference in you after a year. You have come a long way!

Heather said...

Love the snowy run pictures. Isn't it great to have a friend to run with?

I like the Costco story. I wonder if that guy uses a cell phone?

kilax said...

Ha ha. It is so funny what people feel like they HAVE to say to you! :P