If you've checked out my "number of days off prednisone", you know that my body has succeeded in fighting this cold without exacerbating my asthma. This has never happened since I developed asthma more than 7 years ago. Wow! I still have a cold, they do last about a week, so I've got a few more days to go. But, I'm slowly feeling better and...
Today, I ran 23K, which means that my lungs are holding up, a sure sign that this cold will not get the better of me! I don't think there are many of you out there who can understand how excited and amazed I am that I was able to complete this run. Apart from the fact that I am fighting a cold, I kicked asthma's butt and today was my longest distance ever! Granted, it took me forever and I needed a couple of puffs of Ventolin when I got home, but I did it!
When I got up this morning I didn't know how it would go. I had taken a decongestant to sleep and one again at 6am. I did feel a bit better and I managed to eat a big breakfast, but I just didn't know if I'd be able to hang on for so many kms. Throughout our run, Uber H would ask me "Are you doing good?" and I'd respond, "I'm doing okay." One foot in front of the other, feeling okay, and the plan was to complete my run.
Here's hoping that next week, I'm feeling strong and the weather cooperates for my 26K.
Good for you!!
What a great run. 23k! Fighting a cold! Be proud of yourself.
Excellent news!
That is awesome. You are right, I don't understand it but I get your excitement and happiness and that is the best.
Cheers, indeed! Congrats - so glad to hear that your lungs are holding their own!
Whoo hoo! So glad you body is fighting the cold - way to go - obviously running and being in great shape helps - I hope you are able to continue your prednisone streak - or should I say No prednisone streak!
I so hope the weather improves - this weeks temps are suppose to be in the 40-50's - although not as warm as I would like - it sure beats te 30's and snow!
That's great news!
Awesome! So glad you were able to do it and it sounds like it went well!
Hooray! So glad you are doing well!
Awesome news!
Congratulations! PURE AWESOMENESS.
Winks & Smiles,
That's huge! Being able to combat asthma while having a could isn't an easy thing do do. I'm glad to know you're on the upswing!
Awesome! Keep fighting that cold and congrats on the long run! Take that, asthma!!!
anne! that is big! Felicitations! je suis tres heureuse pour toi!!! moi je n'ai pas le meme probleme mais j'ai des allergies qui me causent de la congestion severe et ca rend la respiration difficile alors je peux juste imaginer ce que c pour toi! ouf....
This is so inspiring, well done Anne! I'm really happy for you! 23km is no joke even if all is well. You are making fantastic progress, keep it going!
Fantastic job knocking out 23k! I'm anticipating great things from you this weekend!
You just keep moving forward, I love that about you!!
Have a great race, rest up and get even stronger!
You are a bad as*! Tu es un superstar!
Great for you. I know how those colds can get wreak havoc on a respitory system.
(Your header has me looking for a sweater. Nice to meet you.)
Wow, a new PDR and no prednisone? AWESOME!!!
That is awesome!
Completely understand that you won't be submitting your video and I appreciate your honesty about it. It took me a whole evening to get mine prepared.
Hope you're doing great!
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