Saturday, March 26, 2011

Turning Point?

"Life is always at some turning point."
Irwin Edman

Although my running is going relatively well, no run is completely without pain. The good thing is that the pain does not linger for long after my runs. However, I often feel a little pull or a little tightness where my injury is was (groin). When I run, the pain comes and goes and there is always a feeling of cautiousness. I can't let myself go and just enjoy the ride; I'm hypervigilant and am alert to every little tug. Still, last Sunday when I finished my 15.5K I felt really good and I knew that despite some tightness and mild pain, I was good. Then, again this week, my 6K and my 11K were tough and left me wondering if I'd be okay. Yet,  after two yoga sessions, I’m feeling good again. I saw last Sunday as a turning point, if it went well and I felt good, then I'd be okay for my marathon training. But, after my runs this week, I'm back to seeing THIS Sunday as the turning point. Will I be able to run 19K without hurting myself...can I then go on to complete my marathon training program. My body does seem to be healing even as I continue to push the mileage and I've come to believe that this body is not as fragile as I assumed. So, we'll see how it goes this Sunday...will it be a turning point?! :)  

For some reason, I couldn’t get this posted yesterday – so, let me add that my 3K this morning went well and I’m feeling good about tomorrow’s long run. Fingers crossed!



Steel Springs said...

It's always hard to balance injury awareness and the fear of making things worse. Good luck on your long run tomorrow. I hope it is the turning point that you've been looking for.

RockStarTri said...

Typically pop ups like "that" are associated with widgets that you add to the blog. If you want to get the old address you might want to start eliminating the widgets one by one to see if it gets better. Anyway, good luck in the new digs.

Teamarcia said...

I'm sending you all positive thoughts for the next turn you take to be one for the best! Enjoy your weekend.

Matthew Bradford said...

Just be really careful as I'm sure you already are of the injury and pain. What started small during training during a race turned unbearable and the following training was really difficult. If you think it's healing just fine, ignore my advice.

Have a great weekend!

kat said...

Sounds like your healing wrell and being sensible, great combination, good luck on your marathon journey.

ajh said...

I hope this works for you. I know what you mean about worrying. If I feel a slight twinge in my heel I worry. Good luck.

RunningFromCancer said...

Hoping that your 19k goes well tomorrow. My guess is that it is quite chilly up in your area . . . since it is only in the mid to high 20's down here in WI.


Thinking of you and hoping for continued healing.

Amy said...

Sending good thoughts your way for the 19K today! Hope it goes well. I think there is always going to be some degree of discomfort and pain when we are training for those longer distances - it's just a decision we have to make for ourselves if it's worth it or not... Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Progress comes in many forms - run on!

Abby @ Have Dental Floss, Will Travel said...

Switched over to the new site in my google reading - and looking forward to hearing about this morning's turning point!

Black Knight said...

I hope that you have already run your 19K without pain.
Don't give up.

The Boring Runner said...

That is really frustrating that no run is completely without pain. HOpefully the 19k went well without any major issues!!