Sunday, September 4, 2011

32K (20 miles) - Check!

"Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb but how well you bounce." 
Vivian Komori

Solution: Let me tell you that I found a solution to the bra chafing below the breasts. On my long run today, I lathered on some "Ihle's paste" usually used for diaper rash. This worked wonderfully, no chafing and the skin was soft as a baby's bottom after my run, even with some crazy rain :) It's a very thick paste and you basically have to wipe it off your fingers with a paper towel, because it doesn't wash off easily. But, I tried it earlier this week for the first time and it washes off the bra in the machine and it gets pretty much absorbed into the skin during the run. Perfect!

Health update: This weeks running went really well, but the lungs were giving me a hard time and so after meeting with my pulmonary specialist on Friday, I am back on prednisone for 10 days. Things have not gone so well since I tried to go off Xolair...and it has become clear that I must stay on it (I get two injections every four weeks). I started back up again in July and hopefully it'll eventually get me back on track and keep me off prednisone. For those of you who don't know, on top of my asthma, I was also dealing with vasculitic hives and we figured out that the Xolair was keeping that in check too, as I had  two outbreaks during the Xolair-break. So Xolair stays, perhaps forever. 

32Km today: It started out perfectly. There were severe storm warnings and heavy rain warnings, but when I left the house at 7:15am this morning, it was perfect running weather. I ran the first 17K by myself, with no music and just enjoyed the scenery and the feeling of strength in my body. Uber H then joined me for the next 15K, well at least that was the plan.
Here I am at 20K, I've actually put on my ice necklace at this point, because the heat was rising.
In case you don't know about the ice necklace, it's a scarf that I put ice-cubes into and wrap around my neck. It works wonders keeping me cool in the heat!

At 24K, the downpour was excessive and the thunder and lightning were getting a little closer. more need for the ice necklace.
C'est la vie!

We ended up pausing under an overpass for about a minute, but it seemed to get a BIT better, so we took off again. By the time we came by our house we were at 27K and the rain was almost stopped, but Uber H decided to call it a day, he was getting an achy back. I continued by myself and stayed in the neighborhood in case it started to storm again. So far, I was still feeling great.

Then when I reached 30Km, I got a strange cramp in my right foot and it hurt when I pushed off. I ran in the last two K non-stop as the pain was bearable and I decided it was best to finish as soon as possible. 

I did it!

Umm yeah, that was supposed to be 3 and 2 for 32, not 23 :) Oops!

I am super proud of my pace...32K at 7:02m/Km. For me, that is really good! 

I've been icing like crazy, even took an ice bath...and I hope that the foot is all better real soon. I used to get very panicky when I would feel pain on a run, because it would invariably turn into an injury. However, over this training cycle, although I have felt some pain in different parts of my body on my very long runs. Ice and rest always did the job and so far, I have never felt any pain in the same body part twice in a row. For example, when I ran my 30K, I felt pain in my right knee at the end. Today, no pain AT ALL in the knees, but some foot pain at the end. Other times I felt hip pain or a different kind of foot pain (more like a tightness under the foot - this is not at all that type of pain). This new pain feels more like a cramp and I get little darts of pain when I push of, even when walking. So ice and rest the next two days and then we'll take it from there. I feel hopeful that all will be good and that I'll be back out there soon. Even if I have to take it a little easier.

The Plan: The next two weeks are moderate on the training schedule, then there is full on taper week, and then it'll be September 25th and I will be at the start for the Montreal Marathon and will, hopefully, become a marathoner before the day is over (much before it's over :)).

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!! Lots of cool races and I can't wait to read all about it.


Marlene said...

The day is almost here!!!!!!! So proud of your training - well done on the 32!

RunningFromCancer said...

Great job - glad the rain and lightning didn't sidetrack your run. WOW 20miles - way to go! I am very impressed and you should be very proud of yourself. Great time!

Our temp's took a major dive today - it felt soooo good to run in cooler temp's this morning1

Kate Geisen said...

Awesome run today! I LOVE your c'est la vie picture. So cute and fun. :)

I wish your asthma was behaving itself better, but I'm glad the medicines are helping.

Char said...

32k is huge! Well done on getting it finished - despite rain, hail, sleet and achy foot.

ajh said...

Wow! You are tough! You encountered a lot of weather today. You seem to be really ready for that marathon. How wonderful.

bobbi said...

What a great long run!! Congratulations on such a STRONG finish!

Xaarlin said...

Great job on the long run! You seriously make running in the rain look like fun ;)

Johann said...

Well done Anne! This is really great! I can't believe the day is so close. You are ready! I won't worry about the pain in the foot too much. When running longer distances you get pains from time to time until your body gets used to running longer. Rest well!

The Rock Star said...

Keeping going through that rain is hard core. You are setting yourself up perfect for success. Well done!

Robin said...

You did fantastic and you are almost there...well done! Race day will be awesome!

Erin said...

So awesome! Can't wait to see how you do at the marathon!!

Pat said...

Wow, 32k! You're one determined woman not letting the weather side track you. Bummer that you had to go back on the Prednisone.

Average Woman Runner said...

Go Anne! Nice working getting through your long run, despite that WET weather. Not sure we have that paste here but I should try our diaper paste we have at the house - - during marathon training, I had a permanent scab from my bra chafe :( Body Glide helped some but not completely.

Anne said...

Thanks for the chafing cream recommendation. I've tried Body Glide and vaseline but neither works that well once you start sweating. Never though of using "butt cream" on my bra area!

Claire said...

Félicitations Anne!!! Tu feras très certainement un marathon du tonnerre!!! Bravo!!! Pour les douleurs en fin de sortie (lors des 30-32 km) j'ai ça moi aussi, c'est parfois une cheville en compote totalement, parfois c'est un genou, parfois l'aine ou le bas du dos... mais le lendemain c'est toujours parti. On va se voir dans moins de 3 semaines!!! :o))

Abby @ Have Dental Floss, Will Travel said...

Sounds like a great run - and I love how happy you look in all the pictures! I have to say, I love warm day rainstorms mid-run :)

Anonymous said...

I have been running for 18 years and it took me 15 years (yeah pathetic) to realize that I did not have fit in standard bra sizes and my rib cage was 1 1/2 inch smaller. I finally solved my bra problems with buying a sports bra that fit my rib cage. Dina.

kilax said...

Congrats on your 32K! You did it! And part of it in the pouring rain! You are hardcore :)

I am happy you found a method (ice bath) for keeping the soreness away!

Only a few more weeks until your marathon!!! :)

Giorgio said...

Nice photo of you while you were running through the rain! it shows your strenght :)
Good long run Anne!

Jill said...

Awk, I can't believe I missed this post, so sorry!! But I am smiling big time to see that smile on YOUR face - yay!! Nice run, girl...keep up the great work, rain or no rain :).

Black Knight said...

As we say: now your road is a downhill. This was the toughest workout, you did it and now you are ready for the marathon. Good job!
Beautiful pictures.

Beth said...

Congratulations on a great job with your training. Now for the best part of training... the taper! Glad you are getting what medications work for you figured out. Race day will be here soon and you are ready!