Saturday, May 22, 2010


“I am adaptable, flexible, versatile, and ambitious. I am confident that I can do it all. Just give me a chance and you will see.” Anonymous

Thanks to Kerrie at Mom vs Marathon for this cute Versatile Blogger award.
Now, I must tell you seven fun things about myself.

1) Almost everytime I write the word marathon I mindlessly add a "g" at the end...marathong :) ...I really don't know why!

2) When my daughter was about 3 years old she asked me the following questions: "Do we grow by the head or by the feet?" and another time, after I told her to go to bed if she wanted to grow tall, she answered, "You'll see, I'll go to bed, and tomorrow, I won't even be tall!"

3) Yesterday, I was in downtown Montreal, on Crescent street, where there's a lot of terrasse action. I was walking along with a girlfriend when I saw a $20, a $10 and a $5 dollar bill on the ground. I picked them up and heard someone calling to me from a terrasse above me, I looked up and they pointed to the person who had dropped the money. I ran and gave the person their money. Someone yelled out "Good karma, it's going to come back to you" and the guy who had told me who it was gave me a thumbs up. It was a warm and fuzzy moment.

4) I once won a bike...I had only filled out one coupon, for a bottle of water I bought at the University cafeteria, the one and only time I went there.

5) While in a Cree community in Northern Québec, I once walked to the school where we were working (5 minutes away) in -45°C/-49°F weather...only our eyes weren't covered and ice formed on our lashes.

6) Whenever I run with my ipod (whether it be outside or at the gym) certain songs come on that I find very difficult not to sing along to. I sometimes move my lips without making any sound...but, I'm afraid one day, when I'm in the zone, I'll just break into song without realizing it (maybe I already have)!

7) Yup, that's right, 7 days, 10 hours, and 30 minutes to my first half-marathong ;)...but who's counting? Oh yeah, ME!!!

Running related, all is good...this week is race pace, with a maximum of 10K and lots of rest days. I guess it's "taper" week...I feel so cool using that word in relation to my running. Finally, I can't wait to show you some of the fun things that my "Team" is putting together for our first'll have to wait and see!!

I hope you're having a nice weekend!


AM-GoalsfortheWeek! said...

Hi chica,
thank you for the tag! you gave me my first bloggy award too. thank you;-)

and...have a fantastic time at your mara-thong! btw, what type of underwear will you be sporting??

Julie said...

Hi Anne,
I love these kinds of posts where I can learn more about my blogger friends! Great list! Wow, your half mara-thong is coming up fast! But who is counting....yea, you are:)

I think it is great about you finding the owner of the lost money! I agree, you set yourself up for good karma:) You are a good person Anne!

Laura said...

Thanks for the tag! I really enjoyed reading your list.. I'm the same as number 6, I was doing it yesterday on the track, it's usually glee songs that get me haha! Hopefully I've not been making any noise!! I add letters on to the end of words sometimes too and I've no idea why, I can't even think of an example now I just hope I always notice before I click post otherwise I'll look a bit daft hehe

Johann said...

Nice list! Good for you for returning the will surely come back good to you. That's why I don't run with music. If I have to sing along... Enjoy the taper week!

Jamoosh said...

Marathong - I think you are secretly developing special marathon underwear for ladies.

Molly said...

sometimes I start dancing while I run when a good song comes on the ipod, I look silly but love it!

Heather said...

Don't they sell marathongs at Victoria's secret?

Amy said...

I do the lip-synching thing too and have exactly the same worry!

Black Knight said...

Very nice post. -45°C/-49°F is too cold, my personal best (???) was -12° C in Stockholm (Sweden). One week again and you will be celebrate your first half!

ajh said...

Where were you working in a Cree community? When I lived in Northern Quebec the Cree community that was nearby was in Mistassini. I may be spelling that wrong.

Have a good taper week!

MCM Mama said...

LMAO at the half marathong! Good luck!

Marlene said...

Fun list!

I'm sure that good karma will come back around. You could have made a run for it!

Kerrie T. said...

Great list! I always add a "g" too! Funny!
And I love that quote!

misszippy said...

#5--you are way braver than me! And how cool to win a bike!

Enjoy your taper week. Rest up for that 1/2 marathong.

Hi! I'm Erin said...

Wooo! Thanks for the tag.

Also, I always want to add a G to the end of my blog name turning it into "eri-thong". Classy :-)

Claire said...

Awesome list! Thanks for the tag...I'll get mine up today!

Suzy said...

Love reading some interesting things about you. I agree, good karma is headed your way.

Giorgio said...

A special good luck for your first half-marathon.

Jennifer said...

Woo hoo, first big run! Enjoy your taper, they are always hard and fun at the same time. I guess now I have to post some interesting things about me... Mmm... Cheers and have a great week!

SeeGirlRun said...

Thanks for tagging me! Hee Hee - not only do I sing but I also do the samba for a second when "Hips Don't Lie" comes on!!!


chris mcpeake said...

good luck in the upcoming half marathong. You will do great.

L.B. said...

Hi Anne, can't believe I wasn't a follower... ugh.

I love Montreal. My wife and I went there last year and we totally loved it. Loved the history of the entire place. We spent most of our time in the Vieux Port de Montreal :) and got to watch Cirque, went to Bonsecours Market, Chateau Ramezay... but the food, oh my, the food!! We ate at so many great places!!

Anyway, great list overall, but I think you can tell which one of those called to me the most ;)

Tara said...

Oh I love this award! I love learning new things about people. you still have that bike?

Getting close Miss Marathong!

kristen said...

I'm cracking up at your #1 because I always type triahtlong. So funny...and seriously weird!

Your daughter is a smart cookie!

Meg said...

Fun list but your marathong sounds uncomfortable! You know what I do? I type "race results" as "race resluts" after searching for resluts, I mean results, after a race. EVERY TIME!! See, I just did it again...
I can't believe your race is this weekend!

Alma said...

Hi Anne -
Greetings from Seattle! I hope all is well in Quebec!
Thanks for stopping by. Your photo on your page is so nice to get runs along the beach :)

Robin said...

Wow! 7 more reasons why I think you are one of the coolest chicks I've met in the blogosphere!!! btw: I do the "g" thing, too..... glad to know I'm in good company. :) And now, I'm off to look up the word "terrasse" - thinking from context I might know what it means, but want to be sure. hee hee (just bought a book about karma last week... cool!)

HUGS from Orlando!