Sunday, October 3, 2010

PT, what took me so long...and a marathon!

“Love what you do. Believe in your instincts. And you'd better be able to pick yourself up and brush yourself off every day.”
Author unknown

First of all, yesterday I finally decided to see my PT. This first part is all about the specifics of my injury and treatment...if this doesn't interest you, you can skip on down to the second part. :)

What took me so long to make an appointment? My thinking was that there was probably nothing more I could do about this type of injury, but wait...I was already using a tennis ball to put pressure on the painful area (suggested by my sister, who does accupuncture - she's amazing) and it really helped relieve the pain, but mostly it was temporary relief and I still felt pain when I ran two steps. However, yesterday, I figured that after three weeks, it was time to take some sort of action to figure out exactly what was going on and what more I could do about it. So off I went to see Joseph, my beloved PT. He showed me, with the help of Oscar his skeleton and some images in a book exactly where my injury is. The metatarsophalangeal joint on the second toe (after the big toe) is where my initial injury is, which caused inflammation on the lumbrical muscles and then because I tried to stay off the injury, it was leading to a secondary injury on the cuboid (basically, I was putting my weight on the outside of my foot, asking it to support my body, but that's not its job). See photos below for visual...
Initial injury at arrow - secondary injury Cuboid

Lumbrical muscles (inflammation)
Apparently, none of it is bad. Nothing broken or torn, just inflammation. The first thing he told me was that I have to start using my big toe again when I walk, to spare the cuboid. He reminded me that the big toe was not injured and that even if it hurt a bit, I was not causing damage by using it. Secondly, he actually had me run slowly (though still at 180 steps per minute) on the treadmill, explaining that if I went too much on the forefoot, it would hurt, but if I stayed midfoot, I would be staying off my injury and it would be okay. He was right!! When I was careful to stay midfoot, I could run...slowly. So I see him again Monday, but until then I have to ice for 15 minutes twice a day, plus I have to make sure I always use my big toe when I walk and every day, I must do the following : 3X walk 1 minute/run 1 minute...a grand total of 6 minutes (and ice after). Also, whenever I'm not doing anything, I have to wiggle my toes. Seriously, I can't believe how much this is helping...the first time I went out and "ran" it was very tentative, but already yesterday it was more of a jog. Joseph basically said that it's okay if it hurts a bit, as long as I'm careful to use the areas that are not injured. At first, using my big toe hurt the second toe, but after one day, it hardly registered. I'm feeling a huge difference today...My PT is amazing!!

Secondly, yesterday I completed a marathon...
...on my bike ;)

First, I went out and did 10K on my own and then I "crewed" for Uber H on his 32K run (20 miles).

I put my bike in low gear and peddled along next to him for his run. Sometimes I would speed off to fill water bottles or go to the washroom, but mostly, I was right by his side holding his gels and water bottles. It was great to be able to do this with him and I felt so good finally getting a long workout in. I may not have been going fast, but the legs were turning over at pretty much 180 rotations per minute :)  
Taking pics while riding worries, this is a no car zone :)

It felt wonderful to get out there and to support Uber H on his last long run...his marathon is in three weeks! I'm still hoping I can do the 10K by then...



Andrew Opala said...

That's a crappy foot injury! I always dread opening up a post and seeing a anatomical picture.

It's great you had some beautiful places to ride and run through!

racing dawn said...

I'm so happy about the PT. I love it when it actually works. Good thing you broke down and went in. I'm the same way, try everything I know first and then give in and go see PT. You're definitely gonna be back on the road full strength soon! I can just feel it. :) Good luck to Uber H on his marathon!

Giorgio said...

I was reading your foot injury and thought that I don't mind putting my body weight on the outside of my foot. Interesting post Anne!

While you were riding you took a nice photo of the lake. Glad you ran along a path with all the beautiful fall colors sparkling through the trees.
Have a nice Sunday!

Lisa said...

I have often had very good results from PT. I love PT.

I rode a little over marathon distance on my bike last month and holy moly that seemed like a far way for someone to actually run!

MomRunningFromCancer said...

Great idea to crew for your hubby. I bet he really appreciated it and you got a good work out along with him - albeit on the bike not on your feet. I so hope that PT and this therapy and running process will allow you back on your feet without it hurting. Have a great weekend.

LMC said...

Glad you went to see a PT. Sometimes, they really can help. I'm thinking you may really be able to do the 10K. I hope so! Have a great week!

Laura said...

Glad the PT is working! I was never a big believer in all this but it totally works...

Johann said...

I've just realized again how lucky I've been with injuries. I've had some other setbacks this year but zero injuries for a very long time. I hope this gets better soon. I love the marathon you did!

Generation X (Slomohusky) said...

Landing on your midfoot seems to be where most training and form advise is going. I think it wise advice, yet it does cause a lot of changes for many runner who are either heel strikers or who push off the balls of their feet.

I have on and off bursitis in both feet on the bottom of my feet hear my two small/outside toes. It is one of those aches and pain of the sport I live with.

Char said...

Isn't it great to have answers and a plan?! Your PT sounds really good - he knows his stuff.

Marlene said...

Glad you went to PT for some treatment/diagnosis. Hopefully you are on the road to recovery!

So nice for you to accompany hubs on his run!

Teamarcia said...

I glanced and saw 'cuneiform' and thought I was nuts until I looked again and saw that's what it says! Glad you are benefitting from the PT!
And what a great running sherpa you are!

Mel-2nd Chances said...

Just catching up a bit, glad to hear that it's nothing serious!! :) Great job on the bike marathon too!

Alexandra said...

Glad you shared the details about your foot injury with us. I am going to pass along this info to a friend who is having issues that sound very similar.

You look so happy and colorful riding your bike!

Jennifer said...

Bummer about your foot, but happy to hear that you have clearer information. It will get better! Keep up the bike work, it's excellent cross-training! Cheers!

kilax said...

I am happy the PT was able to help you! Although, I am kind of confused about what you were doing... I often land on the outside of my foot when running... but you were avoiding pressure on the first toe?

How nice of you to support Uber H! I like it when people bike with me while I run. And I biked a bit with my friend Erin while she ran :)

ajh said...

Glad you got some forward motion! Keep enjoying the bike! How much easier to do a "marathon" huh!

Meg said...

Thanks for the great photographs. It looks like it's chilly already, I see so many signs of fall! Enjoy the great running weather and I'm glad you saw a a PT! Ours is now our closest friend:) !

Black Knight said...

Glad the PT is working. I learned to go to him regularly to prevent injuries. Great pictures that show us how beautiful is the plcae where you live and the fall season. Even if on he bike that is howevere a marathon!

Jill said...

I'd love to see a pic of the BOTTOM of the foot, where my heel pain is - but I enjoyed looking at yours. I hope it's better soon and the PT does his magic! That's so nice of you to pace your friend on his final long run...that always helps pass the time on those mind-numbing runs! Beautiful river pic, too :).

Andrew Opala said...

Yes Anne, you were on my shirt! That's why I did so well!

Amy said...

Hope the Pt can sort things out! Nice bike ride - I'd love to have someone bike alongside me for support on a long run - maybe I need to bribe one of my kids....

Iron Mike said...

Wow, you have a great PT.
Awesome, crewing for Uber H and knocking out a marathon on the bike, win-win.
I don't think I know a single person that has had to think as much as you about how to run and even walk, and sit (toe wiggling!). AND that's a lot of time spent icing.
You are a much better and willing patient than I!